Failed to find or create the OtherMenu Preferences file Can’t replace a file with an alias to itself No application with the specified creator code is running No data of the expected type is on the clipboard File already open with write permission can’t launch applications while a modal dialog is in front Can’t launch that Finder, you can only launch the one in the System Folder user cancelled the operation Finder is not running Apple Event timed out Port does not exist at destination (Apple Event error) connection invalid (Apple Event error) bogus menu bad external the current application or DA is not compatible with externals can’t move a folder into one of its own offspring Sorry, the system does not have enough free memory to display the online documentation process not found can’t move to a different volume write permissions error permissions error on open directory specified when file expected too many files open memory full or file won’t fit unexpected end of file file not open bad name in the file system I/O error no such volume disk full directory full parameter error duplicate filename file is busy or folder is not empty directory not found not enough memory resource not found file not found file locked volume write-protected volume locked unknown